Monday, January 22, 2007

Things have been crazy lately. I just haven't had time to post anything or even play my World of Warcraft! This past weekend was "Work on the wedding" weekend. The tuxedos are picked out. Our invitation list is nearly complete. We finished our gift registry (Walmart, Kohls and Target...just look on their website and look up either one of us or our date July 14th). Basically all we have left to do thats crucial at this moment is find a photographer. All of the other 'main stuff' is done.

I got involved in "Enter His Courts". For those of you that don't know, EHC is an area basketball ministry. Now...I know nothing about basketball, so when Bill asked me to help coach his 2nd and 3rd graders team, I was a little reluctant but wanted to get involved somehow so I agreed. My first practice was a little sketchy. Bill asked me to help half the team work on defense. Thats like asking a dog to fly. But apparently I did something right because on our last game, our defense was amazing! I rock. Just kidding. But it's been fun thus far and we got some great kids.

Ministry has been interesting. I say interesting because lots of things are really good and there are a few frustrations. We're really at a critical moment in this congregation's life. We are at that size of a church where you either grow, or slowly die. I think our leaders have a great vision and a keen sense as to where God is calling, but this is so critical a time that if anything is done for "selfish ambition" or "vain conceit" it is going to fall flat and utterly fail. I am convinced that this is what happened to my home church. They made what I now call "medecisions". "Let us serve ourselves first." The church split into factions and the membership dropped 50+%.

Thats what happens when people take their eyes off of Christ. They start to slip into the water that they were previously walking on.

But like I said, overall I am confident that we are going to do everything we can to seek God's will and give him ALL the glory in all of it. But continue to pray for us. Pray for our leaders. Pray that we continue to seek His face in all of this. This decisions and plans are critical. We don't want to sit around and just become stagnant. We want and desire to bring people to Christ...not to just put on a show and hope people come and see it, but to actively GO OUT and seek the lost.

Wow...completely didn't expect to go off on that tangent!