The Once a Youth Pastor... blog has dramatically influenced a change in how I perceive 'effectiveness' in youth ministry and how youth ministry SHOULD be done. If you haven't seen this blog you have to. Go through and read it all. Most of the posts are short and to the point but it has been instrumental in reforming my ministry paradigm.
In one of his latest posts he lists the 5 questions that helped him rethink youth ministry.
- When was the last time we saw teens and their parents inside the walls of the church discussing spiritual things together?
- Do we equip and support parents of teens even a fraction as much as the teens that walk through their doors?
- How much time does our church/youth ministry invest in parents?
- What percentage of our youth ministry programs involves parents as participants, not just chaperones or leaders?
- Which of our ministries communicate that parents are the most important part of a teen’s faith formation?
Again, this is his, I don't want to take any credit from his work and pass along his site so you can be blessed by his words. I'm going to print off those questions and put them in a spot that I will see daily.